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First Layer Healthcare

We infuse centuries-old holistic ayurvedic principles to heal the everyday damages of our body system unleashed by various reasons. We provide various medicine formulae for over two decades and curated specialized combinations for various pathogenic problems that one might have.

The story

In February 2021, amidst a bleak backdrop of widespread despair and uncertainty broadcast on news channels, my mom, an Ayurvedic doctor by profession, and I found ourselves at the dining table, compelled to take action. Witnessing the dire consequences of the pandemic, my mom's voice echoed with a sense of duty deeply rooted in the Hippocratic oath. "In times of crisis, we must not only treat but also prevent harm". Inspired by her commitment to healing, we started a business "First Layer Healthcare" as a proactive response. Drawing parallels to the body's first line of defence, my mom’s experience and credentials allowed us to formulate our own medicines. Our mission was clear, to provide Ayurvedic immunity boosters and holistic medicine.

Embracing the entrepreneurial spirit, I spearheaded the strategic aspects of "First Layer Healthcare" from the outset. The entrepreneurial venture began with creating a comprehensive business plan, meticulously crafted to address market needs and challenges. When I did market analysis, I saw it played a pivotal role in understanding consumer preferences and identifying niche opportunities. Armed with insights, we developed a distinctive brand identity that resonated with our mission and values. The branding strategy aimed to convey trust, authenticity, and a commitment to holistic well-being. Promoting our products required a multi-faceted approach, and I did so through affordable pricing, promotional schemes, product design and packaging. Leveraging my skills, I created the online platform, , from scratch. My role encompassed website design, content curation, information system integration, payment gateway setup, and efficient inventory management. The platform served as a direct channel to customers, fostering a sense of community and engagement. To broaden our reach and expand our customer base, we strategically launched our products on prominent e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. The online presence augmented our visibility, and a cohesive promotion strategy ensured a strong market presence.

We have provided 650+ people with affordable medicine, consultations and testing!

Our annual growth projection in the next 3 years is expected to grow at 120k USD per year

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